AGM Minutes 2016
Minutes of the 37th Annual General Meeting of the Holme and District Local History Society held on Monday 15th February 2016 at 7.30 pm
1. Apologies and Minutes of the Last Meeting held on Monday 16th February 2015:
Apologies had been received from Barbara Blatchford, Catherine Brunyee, and Graham and Gill Caley.
Acceptance of the minutes was proposed by Geoff Pegg, seconded by Andrew Tennant and accepted by vote.
2. Matters Arising: There were no matters arising from the previous AGM.
3. Chairman’s Remarks: Mr Brown welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance and for their support throughout the year. He then asked the meeting to stand in silence in memory of two ex-committee members who had died since the last AGM. Mr Paul Barker had been a previous chairman and Mrs Ann Hillman a founder member. (See attached notes.)
Mr Brown also reported the resignation of Terry Wilkinson from the committee and society and thanked him for the work he had done especially his initiative in getting church cross pieces project.
Mr Brown also thanked all the committee for their work in their respective areas throughout the year.
4. Treasurer's Report: Miss D Spencer presented the financial statement for the year to December 2015. An overall loss for the year of £141.77 was accounted for by the cost of £478.68 for the information panels for the cross pieces. There were 60 members and monthly meetings had also been well attended by visitors. The accounts had been audited by the Honorary Auditor Mr A E J Yelland. Mr C Dale queried the valuation of the stock of books which were still entered at face value making the assets register value unrealistically high at £1155.28. It was suggested that advice should be taken from the honorary auditor as to whether the stock of books should be revalued.
Mrs G Wood proposed and Mrs K Hayhurst seconded acceptance of the financial statement which was accepted by vote. (Balance sheet attached to file copy of minutes.)
5. Appointment of Honorary Auditor: In accordance with the constitution it was necessary to vote the appointment of an honorary auditor for the next year. Mr A E J Yelland was content to continue with this task. Miss D Spencer proposed and Mr G Pegg seconded the appointment. There were no objections.
6. Programme Report: The Secretary reported that again the winter meetings had been particularly well attended and two of the 2015 summer meetings had been organised by Kath Hayhurst and two by Kathryn Smith. The 2016/17 programme was about to be sent to the printers and would be available at the March meeting. Mrs Smith detailed the summer meetings which were: a visit to Austwick Hall, a guided walk round Brough, a visit to Shap Wells Hotel and a walk round Holme Mills. Details of these meetings would be on the programme and expanded in the News Letter. The secretary explained one of the summer meetings had been organised by Pauline Ingham, two by Kath Hayhurst and one by Kathryn Smith. This in continuation of Mrs Smith's intention to resign as Programme Secretary after the 2017/18 programme had been completed.
7. Archivists' Reports: (Archivists' reports attached to file copy of minutes.)
Notable events for the Holme archivist had been a meeting at the Coke Ovens to discuss a possible survey, a secular Act of Remembrance with children from Holme Community School sponsored by the Holme History Project, and the book launch of 'Kick one and they all Limp'. Mr Pegg continued to give talks and conduct walks to various groups, including the Masonic Lodge wives and the Cubs. Future events would include a walk round Holme Mills for the Kendal Historical and Archaeological Society and the H&DLHS. He would also be giving a talk to the Cumbria Industrial History Group. And is working on 'Stories from the Westmorland Gazette'.
Mrs Hayhurst had attended the Burton Church Open Day, which celebrated completion of work on the Church Tower and at which the cross pieces and information panels were on display. Mrs Elaine Blackett-Ord gave a talk on the work of conserving historic buildings and she would be asked to do a talk for H&DLHS in the 2016/17 season. During the work to repair the tower a stone head had been found, probably dating from the 13th century. Mrs Hayhurst also reported information about historic paths and highways and had provided information about Lupton for the VCH project.
8. Future of the Society's Library: Mrs Hayhurst also noted that as the library was little used the committee felt it was time to review its usefulness.
9. Summer Outing: Mr Brown announced that the Summer Outing 2016 would be to Eden Camp near Malton in N Yorks. The proposed date was Saturday 18th June 2016 and further details and the booking proforma would be available soon.
9. Christmas Function: The Christmas function would be held on Monday 19th Dec and would again be a hot meal in the Memorial Hall. Joanne Halliwell had been booked to provide an entertainment entitled 'Christmas Betsy'.
10. Committee membership: The names of the committee members willing to stand for re-election were on the agenda. In addition Mrs Ann Dale and Mrs Pauline Faulkner had indicated that they were willing to join the committee and the meeting was asked to elect the committee en bloc. Mrs Barbara Wood proposed and Mr Andrew Tennant seconded this proposal which was carried by vote.
11. AOB: There was no further business
12. Date of Next Meeting: The date of the next AGM would be Monday 20th February 2017
K P Smith, Secretary